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  • Sweet Adelines Regional Contest 2025
  •  Date Posted: Sun, Oct 20 2024
    Sweet Adelines Regional Contest 2025

    It’s time to celebrate and prepare for the Region 21 Spring Convention and Competition…


    Torrance, CA

    April 3-6, 2025

    For competition in 2025, the action will take place in Torrance, California.  Our competition will take place at the Torrance Cultural Arts Center.  The weekend will be filled with barbershop sound, fun events, learning opportunities and time to spend with friends.

    EVENTS | Region21 Golden West
  • Diversity and Inclusion
  •  Date Posted: Fri, Jun 23 2023
    Tucson Desert Harmony (TDH) chorus is dedicated to the vision of all sisters as equals united in song.  Recent events have brought to the forefront that the reality of true equality is not yet equal to the dream.  There is no place for racism in our society and in our chorus.

    As a member of Sweet Adelines International (SAI) we are aware that the history of the organization does not have a clean record including the exclusion of women of color in the early days of SAI.  Even though Barbershop music has its roots in African American culture, we have not always been sensitive to songs with racist histories.  Steps are now being taken by SAI to promote diversity and inclusion.  These steps include:
    • Elimination of songs with racist lyrics, messages, or history from competition.
    • Establishing education and resources for members on how to determine the above items in our music and creating a database of music that qualifies for elimination
    • Creation of a Confidential email for any member to provide feedback on songs with racist connotations
    • Creation of a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Council to foster ongoing efforts in these areas
    Tucson Desert Harmony is committed to taking our own actions to foster true equality in our chorus.
    • Elimination of all songs from our repertoire that have racist connotations
    • Ongoing education on Diversity and Inclusion for our members
    • Creating an atmosphere of equality and acceptance in our chorus with the goal of increasing the diversity of our membership
    Our vision is of a chorus united in the love of music and equality performing as a joyous gift for everyone who listens.

  • Management Team
  •  Date Posted: Tue, Aug 1 2017
    Our new Management Team is in place and busy planning the year.  Boots Cushing continues as President, Darcy Winterton as Treasurer, Ann heads up the Marketing Team, Rena Rischar and Betsy Decker will coordinate the membership team, with Kay Lehman taking over as Secretary and Teresa Taylormaintaining our Technology.