Hello friends and supporters,
Tucson Desert Harmony keeps learning and growing in our favorite hobby! Here are a few recent highlights:
In January we first welcomed Jana Gutenson, Associate Director of Scottsdale Chorus, for two days of vocal coaching and then Judy Pozsgay, from Frenzy Quartet, 2017 International Quartet champions, who coached us in showmanship. Many thanks to them and to our director and assistants for the amazing education, encouragement and insight into the craft of barbershop.
Some of our chorus members traveled to Chandler, AZ for Stage Day in January and raved about their experience. This is a full day of education, coaching, performance, evaluation and FUN for quartets. The participants felt it was a very encouraging and helpful day.
Of course, we love performing most of all. "Let Freedom Ring", our patriotic show and tribute to the USO was on November 12. In January, we sang to a wonderful audience at the Annual Women's Dinner at the Northminster Church in Tucson.
We're looking ahead to the annual Sweet Adelines International Regional competition in Phoenix in April, with five new members participating for the first time: Cindy Clement, Linda Evans, Kimber Innecken, Cris Taylor, and Mimi Tims. It's always an amazing experience to sing among so many talented choruses, and we wish them all well. Special wishes for quartets Havin' a Blast (Molly Beth Gerbi, Elissa Fazio, Sandy Hodges and Teresa Taylor) and On Q (Cristy McGrath, Betsy Decker, Anna Maria Parker, and Rosanna Nowak). Break a lip, ladies!